The vault is also teaming with ghouls and glowing ones so bring decent weapons. With regards to vault 34, it is heavily irradiated (1 rad/sec for the entire time you are in the vault) so be sure to bring plenty of rad-x and radaway, there is a safe with a ton of them inside the vault but this requires level 50 lockpick to open.

Once you begin the sequence the brotherhood become hostile towards you so make sure you are ready to run or fight. You can then get the self destruct terminal password from the console next to the self destruct console itself. You can blow up the Brotherhood bunker by pickpocketing the three security keys from three main people in the Brotherhood, namely Elder McNamara, Head Paladin Hardin and Head Scribe Taggart. Get back to Caesar to complete render unto Caesar Speak to Caesar to activate the Arizona killer questĪssassinate the target - completes Arizona Killer Return to Caesar to cure him (you can kill him but this wasn't the path I took). Here you have to cure Caesar's tumor depending on your skill there may be alternatives however I didn't have a high medicine so I had to get surgical equipment from New Vegas medical center and retrieve parts from an auto doc in vault 34.

Return to Caesar to activate the Et Tu brute? quest This quest is the Legion endgame quest and unlocks other legion quests, et tu brute and arizona killer.īefriend/Defeat the Boomers - by helping them you gain a water breather which becomes useful later on when entering Vault 34