
Half life escape from city 17
Half life escape from city 17

half life escape from city 17

The depth of field in these battles is awesome, as other resistance fighters and enemies fill in the landscape in a way better than the original. Using the assets from the games, we’re treated to some pretty epic battles, including one with a enemy tripod (“strider” for the HL junkies out there) that is thrilling. Speaking of action, it’s on full display here. This tandem of a Eastern European blonde and gritty resistance “bro” are a clear attempt to inject some drama into the film, but do we need lines “I haven’t been given a gift in over a decade” when viewers are turning in for kick-ass Half Life action? Original characters from part one appear later in the short, but first we’re introduced to a new duo of resistance fighters. Where the original Escape From City 17 was barely four minutes long, part two comes in a mean 14 minutes.

Half life escape from city 17